Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Phoenix Bushcare Group

Here they are! Maybe you've noticed how the grassy area near the rail underpass at the top of Burra Rd has been slowly restoring itself? Well these are the local heroes behind the scenes making it all possible. Front to back they are Neil, Brenda, Mary and Barry supported by Liz in blue, from Council's Bushland staff. I was lucky enough to walk by at smoko and was invited to join them for tea and one of Brenda's yummy muffins. We sang Happy 35th Birthday to Neil (altho' there were one or two skeptics about that !) Meeting every 2nd Thursday 10 - 1 they are just one of around 50 such groups caring for our natural heritage areas throughout Willoughby City. Call Mandy on 9777 7875 for more information about groups near you - or drop by on a Thursday morning..

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