Thursday, March 27, 2008

Kids Cottage

On Monday evening the Rev Charlie Bramall and Todd, one of his parishoners presented Council with a petition asking us to reconsider our policy limiting use of the White St Kid's Cottage facility in West Artarmon.
Years ago, when my daughter attended after school care at the original facility - an adapted federation era cottage - I was aware that this facility was too small to be used by the community as a meeting place & that the only alternative in West Artarmon was (the not readily available)St Basil's Church Hall. When I was elected to the Council I advocated for a KC redevelopment as a mulitpurpose facility for the many people who lived in the immediate vicinity. It was a hard lesson for me when after the project's unfortunately lengthy lead time, I came to understand that without adequate and timely consultation the very best of intentions can backfire! A number of the redeveloped Centre's neighbours felt that Council had so blighted their outlook and disturbed their amenity that the least we could do was severely curtail the type of activity it housed and the days & hours during which it could be used. Which Council did, by resolution and it is not available to anyone outside of Council's out of school hours and family day care programs.
Rev. Bramall would like us now to revisit this resolution and allow him to hold Sunday morning services in the facility. What do you all think?

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