Thursday, March 27, 2008
Kids Cottage
On Monday evening the Rev Charlie Bramall and Todd, one of his parishoners presented Council with a petition asking us to reconsider our policy limiting use of the White St Kid's Cottage facility in West Artarmon.
Years ago, when my daughter attended after school care at the original facility - an adapted federation era cottage - I was aware that this facility was too small to be used by the community as a meeting place & that the only alternative in West Artarmon was (the not readily available)St Basil's Church Hall. When I was elected to the Council I advocated for a KC redevelopment as a mulitpurpose facility for the many people who lived in the immediate vicinity. It was a hard lesson for me when after the project's unfortunately lengthy lead time, I came to understand that without adequate and timely consultation the very best of intentions can backfire! A number of the redeveloped Centre's neighbours felt that Council had so blighted their outlook and disturbed their amenity that the least we could do was severely curtail the type of activity it housed and the days & hours during which it could be used. Which Council did, by resolution and it is not available to anyone outside of Council's out of school hours and family day care programs.
Rev. Bramall would like us now to revisit this resolution and allow him to hold Sunday morning services in the facility. What do you all think?
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Planning Reform Submissions Report
My favourite quote is what the 'independent' authors (Manidis Roberts P/L) say of the 26 subs from "developers and private businesses" i.e. "they were generally very supportive of the reforms". Well I can't say I'm at all surprised since they as good as commissioned it with their $10.6M donation to NSW Labor over the past 8 years!
Only 3 MPs (Clover, Sylvia Hale and Pittwater's Rob Stokes)have made submissions - thoughtful and constructive ones.
The 180 formal submissions from residents included "a large number" who opposed the reforms "primarily due to their perception that local community input would be eroded in the process and the protection of local environment and heritage" (their grammar, see p. 21 - but my emphasis). And no fewer than 71 community groups lodged formal submissions which were "generally opposed to the reforms...the principal areas of concern were the effect of the reforms on environment/heritage...and perceived lack of community consultation". Note the 'independent' consultants use of the word 'perceived' in their analysis - the inference being that they (i.e. we) do not properly understand the situation!
How arrogant. In 1979, one of the 3 principal objects of the then new Environmental Planning and Assessment Act (S.5) was identified as :
to provide increased opportunity for public involvement and participation in environmental planning and assessment
Seems the consultants are so busy spinning they no longer know which way is up. See for yourself here
Only 3 MPs (Clover, Sylvia Hale and Pittwater's Rob Stokes)have made submissions - thoughtful and constructive ones.
The 180 formal submissions from residents included "a large number" who opposed the reforms "primarily due to their perception that local community input would be eroded in the process and the protection of local environment and heritage" (their grammar, see p. 21 - but my emphasis). And no fewer than 71 community groups lodged formal submissions which were "generally opposed to the reforms...the principal areas of concern were the effect of the reforms on environment/heritage...and perceived lack of community consultation". Note the 'independent' consultants use of the word 'perceived' in their analysis - the inference being that they (i.e. we) do not properly understand the situation!
How arrogant. In 1979, one of the 3 principal objects of the then new Environmental Planning and Assessment Act (S.5) was identified as :
to provide increased opportunity for public involvement and participation in environmental planning and assessment
Seems the consultants are so busy spinning they no longer know which way is up. See for yourself here
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Willoughby Symphony Orchestra in Naremburn Park
Voted the best Community Orchestra in Australia, the WSO performs at its best whenever Nick Milton is conducting. So what a treat for Naremburn this evening as we laid out our picnics, caught up with friends & neighbours and settled in for 2 hours of fantastic music. The program featured violinist Cameron Hill Australian Young Performer of the Year, in Mendelssohn's Concerto for Violin in E Minor. You might not know that your Council is one of a handful in the country and possibly the only one in NSW which supports a full Symphony Orchestra. Being so proud of this Orchestra, we have designed in the new Civic Place a 1000 seat Concert Hall - a fitting home venue for an orchestra of this quality. And we believe, a venue which will attract many other acts of high quality to come over to the Northside!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
The Phoenix Bushcare Group
Here they are! Maybe you've noticed how the grassy area near the rail underpass at the top of Burra Rd has been slowly restoring itself? Well these are the local heroes behind the scenes making it all possible. Front to back they are Neil, Brenda, Mary and Barry supported by Liz in blue, from Council's Bushland staff. I was lucky enough to walk by at smoko and was invited to join them for tea and one of Brenda's yummy muffins. We sang Happy 35th Birthday to Neil (altho' there were one or two skeptics about that !) Meeting every 2nd Thursday 10 - 1 they are just one of around 50 such groups caring for our natural heritage areas throughout Willoughby City. Call Mandy on 9777 7875 for more information about groups near you - or drop by on a Thursday morning..
Friday, March 7, 2008
Public Art
You may have noticed this Council comissioned mural on the shared path below the baseball diamond at Bicentenial Reserve. It is the work of Shane Haurama, indigenous artist. We have asked Shane to apply a similar treatment to the big green bike locker on the east side of Artarmon Station. Having seen a small scale mock up of what he has in mind at our recent Bike Committee I can't wait to see the full scale version.
Post Script : At the last Bike cttee Meeting (22/4) we were advised that "The artwork on the bike lockers will no longer be completed by Shane Haurama due to personal problems. James Brocklebank in liaison with Jacky Talbot (council’s Arts & Cultural Manager) has since engaged a new artist who has developed a new design for the lockers. The new artwork is simpler and is no longer an aboriginal design. Work on the lockers will start shortly and will be completed by the end of the financial year..." Too bad.. I love Shane's work
Post Script : At the last Bike cttee Meeting (22/4) we were advised that "The artwork on the bike lockers will no longer be completed by Shane Haurama due to personal problems. James Brocklebank in liaison with Jacky Talbot (council’s Arts & Cultural Manager) has since engaged a new artist who has developed a new design for the lockers. The new artwork is simpler and is no longer an aboriginal design. Work on the lockers will start shortly and will be completed by the end of the financial year..." Too bad.. I love Shane's work
Labor limbos way under accessibility benchmark
Did you read in Wednesday's Northside Courier about that dinosaur director of the NRMA's proposal to invite more cars into Chatswood? Had to write a letter when I saw the MOT response to it!
Dear Editor,
A spokeswoman for the Minister for Transport said "links to Chatswood Station were based on public transport and walking to minimise traffic on local roads" and this a very sensible response to the NRMA's Mr Evans' quite preposterous idea that we encourage more cars into Chatswood CBD by conveniently creating a commuter carpark for them! (p4 NSC March 5)
Whilst I'm reserving judgement on how well the bus interchange will work, the spokeswoman will find it very hard indeed to explain how pedestrian and cycle access from the south (i.e. via Thomas Lane) will be achieved and also to explain how - in this State government approved development - there has been an improvement to taxi drop off and 'kiss & ride' arrangements.
Our community should be aware that the Chatswood Station Redevelopment was the first major project Minister Sartor called in under his new planning powers and that the " transport interchange" function has from that moment, been the very last consideration after maximising the site's development potential. Not forgetting that his approval disallowed any S94 (developer contribution ) to assist Council in redressing the access shortcomings which are becoming painfully apparent.
Kate Lamb
Dear Editor,
A spokeswoman for the Minister for Transport said "links to Chatswood Station were based on public transport and walking to minimise traffic on local roads" and this a very sensible response to the NRMA's Mr Evans' quite preposterous idea that we encourage more cars into Chatswood CBD by conveniently creating a commuter carpark for them! (p4 NSC March 5)
Whilst I'm reserving judgement on how well the bus interchange will work, the spokeswoman will find it very hard indeed to explain how pedestrian and cycle access from the south (i.e. via Thomas Lane) will be achieved and also to explain how - in this State government approved development - there has been an improvement to taxi drop off and 'kiss & ride' arrangements.
Our community should be aware that the Chatswood Station Redevelopment was the first major project Minister Sartor called in under his new planning powers and that the " transport interchange" function has from that moment, been the very last consideration after maximising the site's development potential. Not forgetting that his approval disallowed any S94 (developer contribution ) to assist Council in redressing the access shortcomings which are becoming painfully apparent.
Kate Lamb
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