Monday, January 7, 2008

2008 projects for Naremburn

As I'm still on holidays I have been out and about, swapping New Year's greetings and inspecting some of the prettiest gardens in Naremburn. First I went to see Alan and Dorothy in Dalleys Road. Alan had been saving me a cutting of the white crysanthemum I admired last year. Amongst other things, they remarked upon the number of strollers and prams being pushed around our suburb. At the 1996 Census, there were 382 children under 4 years old resident in Naremburn, in 2001 this number had grown to 463. Last year there were 596! Shame on our shortsighted state government for closing & selling off the greater part of the public school site/s some 10 years ago. This unfortunate decision has now led now to Council deciding to withdraw its Out of School Hours Service (OOSH) at the Community Centre (see Nov 13 blog entry). A remnant of the former site now called the North Harbour Unit, provides a valuable but not local use of the site, specialising in work with children who have behavioural issues. So why not reclaim the site as an Infants School?
Later on I visited John and Pat who told me that recently, the former residents of their house in Donnelly Street had come by and as well as being able to name every (former) resident in the street, they had stated that there was a park where the freeway is now! Why not reclaim that one too? Pat and John are most supportive of the Infants School proposal as almost every second house in their street is home to a young family now, every one of which will in all likelihood, be driving their cars, ferrying their little ones to schools at Cammeray, Artarmon or Willoughby - all of which are bursting at the seams on sites littered with demountables.
Got a view? Make it known - vote in the poll on this Blogsite! Should there be significant support our Council can take this one right up to the NSW government!

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