Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Thursday, December 20, 2007

What weed is that?

8.00am Thursday morning, Clare, Frances & Taus, members of Council's Bush Regeneration Team are weeding at the edge of the shared path next to Artarmon Oval. It's just the best thing to know that our Council is providing this kind of work for people - enjoyable, creative and full of meaning. Most mornings I walk through Artarmon Reserve to get my morning coffee enjoying the sights & sounds of my suburb, greeting the regulars walking their dogs, cycling to work, walking to school. Just a few steps further on and there's this raucous screeching - lorrikeets feasting on the banksias overhead! Truly its a sweet life.

Monday, December 17, 2007


Here's the photomontage, published in today's Sydney Morning Herald. Linking St Leonard's Park at Falcon St to the deck level of Sydney Harbour Bridge at a 3% grade over 2ks, just imagine how uplifting the trip in to work would be each day - it's enough to make you want to work in the CBD!!
You can help make this stunning piece of sustainable transport infrastructure happen - email letters@smh.com.au or fax 9282 3492

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Nice work if you can get it

Here I am hard at work, Chairing Council's Bushland Advisory Committee. Our December meeting became a Christmas Party thanks to Alfred Bernhardt, Bushland Manager (3rd from the right, with cap) It was held held last Thursday in the Edgar St Reserve, to the accompaniment of currawong carols and children playing in the sandpit. Willoughby LGA comprises around 22sq kms and has direct "care and control" of about 25 hectares of bushland within its boundaries. About half of this area (the higher ridges and main plateau - Chatswood, Willoughby and parts of Artarmon) is Wianamatta Shale the other half being Hawkesbury Sandstone and the tidal flats of Middle Harbour (Castle Cove, Castlecrag and Northbridge. Vegetation reflects the difference in geologies with remnant Blue Gum High Forest on the shale and scribbly gums, eucalyptus and banksia species characteristic of coastal sandstone to the east. We are currently reviewing our Bushland Plan of Management (a wonderful piece of work by Ian Perkins)which has been the framework for positioning Willoughby's reputation right up there, having just won a NP&WS Biodiversity Management Award (Highly Commended). Also pictured are Committee Members(left to right) KL, Ross Wellings, Peter Kenny, Jim White, Clr Terry Fogarty, Lynne Saville, AB, Gay Spies and James Smallhorn (Landscape Officer). Absent from the photo because she was taking it, is Vice Chair Lorraine Cairnes & also Clrs Philip Hickie and Adrian Cox.
Council is very, very grateful for the level of support provided by these knowledgeable and skilled residents!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Frankly my dears....

the the gloves are off and the clothes too it seems, with much talk of nakedness in yesterday's Telegraph - which it being the Tele, is all very appropriate I suppose! The subject as promised previously in this blog, is the Iemma government's " planning reforms ". In fact Frank Sartor's journalistic style does exhibit an element of the burlesque with lines such as " Stripping back to basics " and his repetition of the [hero] worshipful " by the age of 24, Alexander the Great had conquered the known world in less time than we could get three approvals through council " (er..excuse me, which Council..?) Whilst I'm not at all suprised to learn that Frank admires the kind of 'can-do' ness embodied by the young empire builder, the parrallels are not entirely comforting when it comes to suburban Willoughby. Just how good do you feel about his assurance that "around half of all development applications could be determined within 10 days" - including those of your neighbour?! As Genia McCaffery, President of the Local Government Association (and popularly elected independent Mayor of North Sydney) puts it " the first you'll know is when the scaffolding goes up! " That young whippersnapper from the Property Council will be very pleased this Xmas! The NSW government is clearly delighted with Morrison and his gang, finding them to have been very good boys indeed this (and last!) year. Very fortunately Alan Jones "gets it". Hear him at his strident best, with Genia...
(p.s Sadly the software I'm using is having trouble uploading the audiofile so if you want to hear it let me know your email & I'll send it - K)

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Pre-book trips anywhere within Willoughby City for just $4.

CouncilCab has been extended to Saturday - especially for the holiday season!

Older residents in particular have appreciated and made good use of this service. More sustainable and more convenient. If you know of someone who might benefit from this service, please help to spread the word!

Buy books of vouchers (5 for $20) from Council offices (31 Victor St, from the Dougherty Centre or from the driver. To book phone 8332 8338

Its just one of the smarter ways to travel..

Saturday, December 1, 2007

StreetFilms.org-The Case for Separated Bike Lanes in NYC

Here's a fine piece of advocacy raising awareness about cycle access in car dependent cities.
Competition for space is hot - in NYC just like Sydney!